The Importance of Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

Darfoor Law Firm Personal Injury Case

The success of a personal injury case depends on choosing the right attorney. You can get assistance with the legal process, gather evidence to support your claim, negotiate a fair settlement, or fight for your rights in court with the help of a good personal injury lawyer.
Here are some reasons why it’s important to choose the right personal injury lawyer:

Experience: A lawyer who has handled personal injury cases before will have a better understanding of the legal system and be better able to deal with your case’s complexities.

Understanding of the law: A personal injury lawyer will be able to use the laws and regulations that apply to your case to your advantage because they have a thorough understanding of them.

Resources: A good personal injury lawyer will have access to a network of experts who can help strengthen your cases, such as accident reconstructionists and medical professionals.

Communication: It’s critical to work with a lawyer with whom you can communicate easily and who will keep you up to date throughout the legal process.

Efficacy rate: A personal injury lawyer with a track record of success will be better equipped to handle your case and get you a good result.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all personal injury attorneys are the same, so it’s worth your time to find the right attorney for your case. Before making a decision, this may entail conducting research, requesting references, and interviewing multiple lawyers.

Here at Darfoor Law Firm, we will not just represent you but also understand you. We work for what’s best for you and what you deserve. We know how difficult it is for you’re going through. We want to help and we care for you.

Contact us at 1-833-DARFOOR and we are always at your legal service.


Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury

Each year, there are an estimated 4.6 million people impacted by Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Canada and the United States.

One of the leading causes of TBI is concussions. Most of us who have experienced trauma from an injury, fall, or car accident do not look for the signs and symptoms of TBI because they can be very mild initially.

It is crucial to understand the need to take any injury seriously so you can act quickly, especially a concussion, which can stem from TBI.

TBIs stem from a concussion or your head being violently jolted. TBI can also result from a bullet or anything sharp used as a weapon to shatter pieces of a personal skull.

Brain injuries and their symptoms or signs are still being researched, which means there is still no permanent or concise list created to give us 100% of the ways TBI will affect an individual.

Nevertheless, there is still an established list of what happens when trauma impacts the brain and what signs you need to take seriously.

What Should You Be Aware of With Trauma and The Brain?

Below are some of the most common TBI symptoms you may experience and should take seriously:

* A severe headache or migraine

* Numbing of toes and fingers

* Feeling nauseous or having continual vomiting spells

* Feeling confused and speech is slurred

* Seizures or convulsions

* Loss of coordination

* Clear fluid that begins to drain from the nose or ears


Head Injury Lawyers and their Help with Compensatory Damages

The majority of head injuries occur as a result of car or motorcycle accidents, falls, blunt or traumatic head wounds, accidents, or violence. Seeking the advice of a traumatic head injury attorney is your next best step if you want to know if you are eligible for any head injury compensatory damage. Most brain injuries are classified as statutory accident benefits, including medical and rehabilitation costs.

All the TBI loss categories are intended to help you replace any financial loss you’ve suffered as a result of your serious head injury. These losses also include property damage, funeral expenses, and the costs of what is considered monetary loss replacement. The more difficult damages to calculate usually involve abstract or less tangible losses with infinite value.

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all monetary loss figure for non-economic damages. These include mental anguish caused by the loss of companionship, pain, suffering, or emotional distress. There is also no clear-cut formula for assessing and calculating the damages you may be entitled to as a result of your brain injury.

The good thing about hiring a reputable and knowledgeable TBI attorney is that you optimize and maximize your legal chances of receiving the compensation you require and deserve. Darfoor Law Firm specializes in Personal Injury Claims. Darfoor Law will not only get you the brain injury medical professionals you need to help you recover from your TBI, but we will also get you the economic and non-economic damages you require. Contact us today at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation.



Should I Stay at the Scene If I Witnessed a Car Accident?

Witnessing a car accident firsthand requires remaining calm, cool, and collected in the face of traumatic circumstances. Your next actions will be determined largely by the severity of the accident and the extent of the injuries, but there are some general guidelines to follow. Below are some things to remember if you have witnessed a car accident:

Do not panic. If you simply witnessed a car accident, you are not legally required to remain at the scene. It is, however, the right thing to do. In the future, the people involved may require assistance from a witness like you.

The victims may be unable to dial 911 due to their injuries. If you were the only witness in a car accident and you decide to leave, the victims could be in trouble and may not be able to ask for help. If it happens in the future and you have a minute to spare, your support could be beneficial.

If you decide to continue driving, avoid becoming an obstacle to any approaching emergency vehicles or causing a traffic jam. While it is often tempting to observe the activity of first responders on the scene, this can lead to risky distracted driving behavior. Instead, concentrate on the road ahead of you to avoid being involved in a car accident.

However, if you decide to remain at the car accident scene and offer your help to the victims, there are also guidelines for handling the situation and is needed to be kept in mind:

Drive safely until you can find a place to park and exit your vehicle. Do not cause another car accident while attempting to assist the victims of the first.

As soon as you are in a safe area, call 9-1-1 and report the accident. Provide as much detail as you can to the 911 operator.

While emergency services are on their way, you can choose to approach the car accident scene. Approach with caution, keeping an eye out for distracted drivers, and if possible, stay on the sidewalk. Because the car accident may have resulted in dangerous road debris such as broken glass, you should proceed cautiously.

Try to find out if everyone is okay right away at the scene. If it’s something you know you can handle, there’s no harm in offering a helping hand, but proceed with caution. You don’t want to be involved in a civil liability suit.

If the victims are in shock, attempt to calm them down with words. As the primary witness, you can try to figure out what happened. Request a rundown from everyone, and you should have a nice summary for authorities.

Car accidents can be just as nerve-wracking to witness as they are to be a part of. If you or a loved one have been injured due to someone’s negligence, you may contact Darfoor Law Firm to assist you in getting the compensation you are entitled to.

Call us at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation.






Safety Tips for Bicyclists in Florida

A lot of residents in the State of Florida prefer and enjoy bicycling because it is a form of excellent exercise, it is environmentally friendly, and the year-round weather here provides an ideal setting for the said activity. But unfortunately, bicycling accidents still happen around the US and Florida is consistently one of the states that contribute to the number of bicycle accidents in national rankings. Because of this, it is important that every bicyclist understand safety measures he or she can undertake to help stay safe on the road. Below are safety measures that bicyclists should do to help themselves stay safe on the road:

Before leaving, it is best to:

1. Map out a route in advance

2. Wear a helmet that fits properly

3. Make sure your bicycle is in good working order

4. Never drink or do drugs before riding your bicycle

5. Try to avoid nighttime rides or riding in bad weather

6. If you must ride at night, wear reflective gear, or attach panels to your clothes

7. Fully charge your cell phone so that you have it if an emergency arises

While on the road, you should:

1. Obey signs and traffic signals

2. Stay in the designated bicycle lane

3. Always travel in the same direction as cars

4. Lookout for and avoid road hazards like potholes and cracked concrete

5. If wearing headphones, ensure you can still hear what is happening around you

6. Use hand signals and call out before changing lanes or turning

7. Avoid distracting behavior such as using your cell phone while riding


If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident due to the fault of someone else, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and give you the best service you deserve. Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you. You may contact us at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation.





Teaching Kids about Fireworks Safety

Setting off fireworks is traditional and a classic thing to do in the US and around the world. It is fun and amazing to watch. Unfortunately, it only takes one mistake for you or your child to suffer a serious injury. Below are some safety tips to consider during the New Year’s celebration:

Enjoy Fireworks Safely and From a Distance

Whether you are setting off rockets or firecrackers this New Year’s Eve, your kids will want to join in on the fun. But to ensure safety, kids should never set off fireworks on their own and should never be allowed to play with firecrackers. Before your family gets carried away setting off rockets, make sure to keep your kids at least 10 feet away. You can always tell them they will get a better view from a distance. Give a large perimeter if any of your neighbors are also lighting off fireworks. A single error might cause a rocket to launch in the wrong direction.

Light a Sparkler at Arm’s Length

Almost every adult may recall a time when they played with sparklers as a kid, but we bet you also recall the burn you had when one hit your skin or face. Remind your older children to keep sparklers and poppers at least an arm’s length away from their faces, clothes, and other kids. Take away the sparklers if your children start to tease or bother one another with them. They might cry, but not quite as much as they would if they were struck by a spark.

Enjoy a Professional Show

The easiest way to avoid a firework-related injury is to let a professional handle the show. You may sit back and relax with your kids while watching a fireworks display instead of launching your own. This way, you have ensured safety and still have fun and celebrate the festivity.

Avoid Illegal and Homemade Fireworks

Illegal fireworks are being sold on the internet and even on the side of the road nowadays. To avoid running afoul of these illegal – and extremely dangerous – fireworks, always check the label. Legal fireworks will always have a manufacturer’s name and directions on how to use them, while illegal fireworks will lack any obvious safety instructions.

If your child is injured due to someone’s negligence, you may contact Darfoor Law Firm at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation. Have a happy holiday!







If you or a loved one have been injured due to someone’s negligence, having an attorney can be a great help in getting the justice and compensation to which you are entitled to. The first step to getting compensation after your accident, and after you have sought medical attention, is scheduling a consultation with your chosen lawyer. Below are things you should know about a free consultation with a personal injury attorney:

You Will Have the Time to Know the Attorney

An initial consultation is not only about the attorney getting information about your case, but also, about you learning about the attorney. This will be the perfect time to get to know them and decide whether you want to work with them or not. You can freely ask questions about the attorney’s experience in his/her field. You should also take the time and think if you are comfortable with the attorney handling your case. Once you feel like you can trust the attorney and have the right answers to your questions, you can now determine if the attorney you are having a consultation with is the right one for you.

Do not feel pressured and obligated to hire an attorney after a free consultation. Most personal injury attorneys offer no-obligation consultations, so, at the end of the day, you still have the choice to choose which one you want to work with.

Use Your Time Wisely

Although the consultation is free, there is a big chance that the consultation time will be limited. It is best that you make good use of every minute and arrive at your consultation early and prepared. You can prepare your questions in advance. During the consultation, feel free to ask as many questions as possible but prioritize the important ones.

Provide A Detailed Statement of Your Accident

Making good use of your consultation time means you give relevant facts and good details of your accident to the attorney. This will help the attorney evaluate your case and in turn, help you to get compensation and justice. The attorney will be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case if you give accurate details.

Ask About Fees

It is also very important to discuss fees with the attorney to avoid a surprise or disagreement as the case pursues. Darfoor Law Firm works with a contingency fee. A contingency fee means an attorney works in return for a percentage of a settlement, verdict, or jury award. If a personal injury attorney works on a contingency fee basis, the attorney only gets paid if a client receives a settlement, verdict, or jury award.

Discuss Statute of Limitations

It is imperative to inquire about the statute of limitations if your injuries occurred some time ago. If it has been some time since your injuries, you may want to know if you are still eligible to file a claim and receive compensation.

Darfoor Law Firm specializes in Personal injury Claims ranging from car accidents, slip-and-fall, and other injuries. Do not hesitate to call for help if you need it. Contact Darfoor Law Firm and have a representative that will understand, sympathize, and help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Call us at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation.



How Do Insurance Adjusters Evaluate Damages For Personal Injury Claims?

Car Accident Law

Insurance adjusters are responsible for evaluating and determining the amount of money that an insurance company should pay for a claim. When it comes to valuing damages to a person after being injured in a car accident, there are several factors that an insurance adjuster will consider.

First, the adjuster will consider the nature and severity of the injuries sustained in the accident. This may include the types of injuries, the length of time it will take to recover, and any long-term consequences of the injuries. The adjuster will also consider any medical treatment that has been received or is expected to be needed in the future, as well as any lost wages or other income resulting from the accident.

The adjuster will also take into account the circumstances of the accident, including who was at fault and the extent of the property damage. In some cases, the adjuster may also consider the policy limits of the insurance policy and any applicable state laws or regulations.

Ultimately, the goal of the insurance adjuster is to determine the amount of money that is needed to fairly compensate the injured party for their losses and damages. This may include compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The insurance adjuster will consider all relevant factors in order to arrive at a fair and reasonable settlement amount.

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence and have questions about your damages, call us at 1-833-DARFOOR to speak to one of our attorneys for a free consultation.