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Safety Tips for Bicyclists in Florida

A lot of residents in the State of Florida prefer and enjoy bicycling because it is a form of excellent exercise, it is environmentally friendly, and the year-round weather here provides an ideal setting for the said activity. But unfortunately, bicycling accidents still happen around the US and Florida is consistently one of the states that contribute to the number of bicycle accidents in national rankings. Because of this, it is important that every bicyclist understand safety measures he or she can undertake to help stay safe on the road. Below are safety measures that bicyclists should do to help themselves stay safe on the road:

Before leaving, it is best to:

1. Map out a route in advance

2. Wear a helmet that fits properly

3. Make sure your bicycle is in good working order

4. Never drink or do drugs before riding your bicycle

5. Try to avoid nighttime rides or riding in bad weather

6. If you must ride at night, wear reflective gear, or attach panels to your clothes

7. Fully charge your cell phone so that you have it if an emergency arises

While on the road, you should:

1. Obey signs and traffic signals

2. Stay in the designated bicycle lane

3. Always travel in the same direction as cars

4. Lookout for and avoid road hazards like potholes and cracked concrete

5. If wearing headphones, ensure you can still hear what is happening around you

6. Use hand signals and call out before changing lanes or turning

7. Avoid distracting behavior such as using your cell phone while riding


If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident due to the fault of someone else, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and give you the best service you deserve. Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you. You may contact us at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation.