Car Accidents on Valentine’s Day: How to Avoid and Handle Them

During Valentine’s Day, flower shops, marts, boutiques, malls, restaurants, supermarkets, roads, and even the sidewalks are very busy. You can see several flower vendors in the streets, and gift shops open till midnight for last-minute shopping. Moreover, as couples and families are planning to celebrate outside their cozy homes, the highways will be occupied by traffic congestion. And unfortunately, car accidents can happen.
Here are some tips on how to avoid and handle Valentine’s Day car accidents:

Plan your route: Plan your route ahead of time and allow plenty of time to arrive at your destination. If possible, avoid rush hour.
Avoid distractions: Keep your eyes on the road and avoid distractions such as texting, eating, or applying makeup.
Drive defensively: Defensive driving entails being aware of other drivers and anticipating their actions. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.
Check road conditions: Before you leave, check the weather forecast and road conditions. Adjust your speed and driving habits as needed.
Designate a sober driver: If you plan on drinking, designate a sober driver or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft.
Wear your seatbelt: Always wear your seatbelt, and ensure that all passengers do as well.

If you do find yourself in a car accident on Valentine’s Day, here are some tips on how to handle it:

Stay calm: Try to remain calm and assess the situation.

Check for injuries: Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Call for help or your local hospital if someone is hurt.
Move to a safe location: Move your car to a safe location, such as the side of the road or a parking lot, if possible.
Exchange information: Exchange contact information, such as names, phone numbers, and insurance information, with the other driver.
Seek the help of a personal injury lawyer: seek legal advice from a personal injury lawyer before deciding what to do next. Your lawyer will help you with the best course of action for your case.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident due to the fault of someone else or negligence, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and give you the best service you deserve. Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you.
Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation.


Fundamental Tips in Staying Safe while Having Fun; The 5 Dangerous Leisure Activities

Summer is fast approaching. Children will take a long rest from school assignments and parents can take a day off from hustling at work. Is there a nicer way to spend the summer vacation than enjoying the beaches and nature? Well, most of us can think of none.
Holiday and leisure activities can bring excitement and fun, but they can also pose risks if proper safety measures are not taken.
Here are the top 5 most dangerous leisure activities and fundamental tips for staying safe:

Water Sports: Water sports, such as boating, jet skiing, and swimming, can be dangerous due to the risk of drowning and other water-related injuries.
·       Wear a life jacket, follow all boating safety regulations, and never swim alone.

Adventure Sports: Adventure sports, such as bungee jumping, rock climbing, and zip lining, can be dangerous due to the risk of falls and equipment malfunctions.
·       Make sure to use proper equipment, follow all safety guidelines, and never participate in these activities alone.

Hiking: Hiking can be dangerous due to the risk of falls, snake bites, and exposure to the elements.
·       Wear appropriate clothing and footwear, carry enough food and water, and always let someone know your plans before heading out on a hike.

Winter Sports: Winter sports, such as skiing and snowboarding, can be dangerous due to the risk of injury from falls and exposure to the elements.
·       Wear appropriate clothing, use proper equipment, and follow all safety guidelines.

Theme Parks: Theme parks can be dangerous due to the risk of injury from rides and attractions.
·       Follow all safety guidelines, do not participate in rides that you feel may be unsafe, and never ride alone.

You can still enjoy these fun activities while keeping you and your family safe. What’s important is you are able to spend these together and make memories worth treasuring.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a travel accident due to the fault of someone else or negligence, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and guide you with the best course of action.
Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you.
Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation.


Start at Home: Essential tips to do in creating a Safe place for Family

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), motor vehicle accidents, falls, accidental poisoning, drowning, and choking are the leading causes of unintentional death in the United States. And usually, we tend to overlook that these incidents may happen in our very own home.
It was also discovered that most of the dangerous causes of injuries are in our own household. Stanford Children’s Organization explains that scalding tap water, unstable furniture, window blinds, poorly stored chemicals and home trampolines are 5 home safety threats we may have overlooked.
We want the best for our families and thus, we nurture and create a safe and accident-free home environment is essential for protecting the health and well-being of our beloved.
These are the tips that can help us build a safe home;

Install smoke detectors on every level of the home and near every sleeping area. Test them monthly and replace the batteries annually.

Install carbon monoxide detectors near sleeping areas.

Make sure that electrical outlets are covered and that electrical cords are not frayed or damaged.

Keep flammable liquids, such as gasoline and cleaning agents, in a well-ventilated area away from heat sources.

Make sure that all stairways and walkways are well-lit and free of tripping hazards.

Install grab bars in the bathroom to prevent falls.

Keep emergency numbers and a first aid kit in a easily accessible location.

Make sure that all appliances and tools are in good working order and are used properly.

Store household chemicals, such as cleaning agents and pesticides, in a safe and secure place away from children and pets.

Keep the home well-maintained, with repairs made promptly and any necessary upgrades or replacements made in a timely manner.
These tips when followed can eventually help create a safe place for our family. We should always remember that we must begin in our homes, in keeping our beloved safe.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident due to the fault of someone else or negligence, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and guide you with the best course of action.

Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you.

Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation

Safety Tips to prevent Burn injuries

Burns are injuries caused by too much exposure from dangerous heat. It is a damage to the skin tissue. Burns and scalds can become either a minor injury to severe and life-threatening. The risk may depend on its severity and how big it is.
Burns and scalds are injuries commonly occur in the kitchen and can cause significant pain and discomfort. Burns may cause;
red or peeling skin
white or charred skin

Here are some tips to prevent burns and scalds in the kitchen:

Wear protective clothing, such as short sleeves or an apron, to avoid skin contact with hot liquids or steam.
Use oven mitts or potholders when handling hot pots, pans, or dishes.
Keep hot liquids and food away from the edges of the stove and countertops, where they can be easily knocked over.
Keep the handles of pots and pans turned inward on the stove to prevent accidental spills.
Use the back burners of the stove when cooking, and keep young children away from the stove when it is in use.
Check the temperature of hot liquids before serving or using, especially when giving them to young children or elderly individuals.
Be careful when opening the oven or microwave, as hot steam or heat can escape and cause burns.

Burn injuries can result in permanent scarring, and severe cases may lead to surgery. It can be avoided by taking precautions and adhering to safety regulations (having a fire extinguisher) mandated by state and local laws.
According to NHS, one should know about the first aid when you or your loved one is injured from burns. Here are the steps;
Immediately get the person away from the heat source to stop the burning
Remove any clothing or jewelry that’s near the burnt area but do not move anything that’s stuck to the skin
Cool the burn with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 to 30 minutes – do not use ice, iced water, or any creams
Make sure the person keeps warm by using a blanket but do not rub it against the burnt area
After cooling the burn, cover the burn by placing a layer of cling film over it – a clean plastic bag could also be used for burns on your hand
Use painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to treat any pain
Raise the affected area if possible – this helps to reduce swelling
If it’s an acid or chemical burn, call for help. You can also carefully try to remove the chemical and rinse the affected area using as much clean water as possible

If you or a loved one has been injured in a burn accident due to the fault of someone else or negligence, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and give you the best service you deserve. Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you.
Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation

How to Properly Store Cleaning Supplies to Avoid Health Issues

According to American Lung Association, many cleaning supplies or household products can irritate the eyes or throat, or cause headaches and other health problems. Some products release dangerous chemicals, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are chemicals that vaporize at room temperature. Even natural fragrances such as citrus can react to produce dangerous pollutants indoors.
VOCs and other chemicals released when using cleaning supplies contribute to chronic respiratory problems, allergic reactions and headaches. Studies are underway to assess how these chemicals affect people who have asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Studies also link exposure to chemicals from cleaning supplies to occupational asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

The following are the numerous chemicals that may cause harm if not stored properly;
Aerosol spray products, including health, beauty and cleaning products
Air fresheners
Chlorine bleach
Detergent and dishwashing liquid
Dry cleaning chemicals
Rug and upholstery cleaners
Furniture and floor polish
Oven cleaners

Improper storage and use of these chemicals can result in serious health problems such as skin irritation, burns, and respiratory issues. To minimize the risks associated with household chemicals, it is important to follow proper storage and usage guidelines:

Store chemicals in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.

Label all chemicals clearly with the product name and any warning labels, and keep the label on the container.

Keep chemicals in their original containers and do not transfer them to other containers, especially food containers.

Read the label carefully before using a chemical and follow the instructions, including recommended safety measures such as wearing gloves or a mask.

Use chemicals in a well-ventilated area and avoid breathing in fumes.

Keep chemicals out of reach of children and pets and ensure that they are locked away when not in use.

Dispose of chemicals properly and follow local regulations for hazardous waste disposal.

We can reduce the risks associated with household chemicals and protect ours and our families’ health and safety by following these guidelines. It is also critical to educate others in the household about the dangers of household chemicals, as well as the importance of proper storage and use.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a harmful chemical accident due to the fault of someone else or negligence, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and give you the best service you deserve. Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you.
Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation

Why is it essential to hire a Personal Injury Lawyer for a Truck Accident case?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), while truck accidents are common in the United States, Florida is among the nine states with half of the fatal crashes. In many cases, drivers and occupants of smaller vehicles are the most affected, suffering various losses.

Truck accidents can be caused by these factors;
Driver Fatigue
Distracted Driving
Improper Maintenance
Reckless Driving
Improper Training
Substance Abuse
It is important to understand the causes of truck accidents in order to help prevent them and improve safety on the roads.
However, the lengthy process and dealing with the truck accident is mentally, physically, and emotionally stressful. Thus, a personal injury lawyer can be able to represent you and help you with your case.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is important in truck accident cases for several reasons:
Expertise: A personal injury lawyer has the expertise and knowledge to handle complex truck accident cases. They understand the laws and trucking regulations and can use this expertise to help build a strong case for compensation.
Evidence Gathering: A personal injury lawyer has the resources to gather important evidence and build a strong case. This may include investigating the accident, obtaining police reports, interviewing witnesses, and getting expert testimony.
Negotiation: A personal injury lawyer can help you negotiate and get the most money for your damages and injuries. They are experienced in dealing with insurance companies and can, if necessary, defend your rights in court.
Time:  Dealing with a truck accident can be stressful and time-consuming. Having a personal injury lawyer frees you up to focus more on your recovery and alleviates some of the stress.
Representation: Personal injury lawyers provide you with representation and can act as your advocate in court or during settlement negotiations.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident due to the fault of someone else, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and give you the best service you deserve. Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you.

Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation.



Fundamental Tips on Preventing Bike Accidents

Guest Blog

Each year, more than 45,000 bicycle accidents are reported. While riding a bike is a great way to stay healthy and get where you need to go with minimal impact on the environment, it does come with inherent risks. There are more people on the road than ever before who are distracted while driving, especially considering the heavy reliance we put on technology and our smartphones. This puts those on bicycles at serious risk of being injured or losing their life because drivers aren’t paying attention to the roadway as they should be. For this reason, we have created a quick guide of fundamental tips on how to prevent a bike accident.

Use a Correctly Sized Bike
A bike accident lawyer knows all too well the unfortunate results of people getting hurt because they were on a bike that wasn’t the correct size for them. Using an appropriately sized bike and tires for your frame is one of the first ways that you can stay safe. If you use a bike that is much too big or too small for you, it can limit your ability to stay in control of the bike properly. The various sizes of bikes are generally based on height, so be sure to check with the manufacturer’s sizing chart before purchasing.

Check Your Brakes Before You Ride
Before going out on a ride, check that your brakes are in good working order. The brake pads on your bike should not be frictioning against the disc rotor located on the wheels. If you do have any issues with the brakes, it is worth stopping and taking the time to adjust them or buy replacements before you continue. To check that the brakes are working properly, spin the wheels with your hand and press on the brake. Do this test for both the front and back wheels before each ride.

Use Headlights
Headlights are a useful way to alert drivers of your presence. If you want to enhance your safety when riding on the ride, consider putting both daytime and headlight lights on the bike so that you are covered no matter what time of day it is. But keep in mind that riding a bike at dusk is one of the most dangerous times to be out, as the direction of the sun impairs a car driver’s ability to see you. 


Never Ride Without a Helmet
Many people are afraid to look silly if they use a helmet while riding a bike. But at the end of the day, what could save your life is whether you place a helmet on your head or not. Before going out on your next ride, consider the fact that even if you are a seasoned bicyclist, a car driver could be the one that hits you. You can only do so much to prevent being hit. When you look at it this way, the choice of putting on a helmet or not should be easy. 


Even if you take the fundamental prevention tips described here, you could be the victim of a bike accident if a driver near you was being reckless or negligent. Every day bicyclists become victims when someone is at-fault for their injuries. Some bicyclists may need to get help from a lawyer, similar to the team at Cohen & Cohen, in order to receive compensation for their property damage and injury.


What do you need to know about a wrongful death claim?

A wrongful death claim is an action taken by the surviving family of a person who died as a result of the carelessness or negligence of another person or entity.
The following are some important facts about wrongful death claims:

Eligibility: A wrongful death claim may only be filed by certain family members, such as the spouse, children, or parents.

Statute of Limitations: It’s important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible after a loved one’s death to ensure that the statute of limitations is not missed.
The statute of limitations for a wrongful death case in Florida is two years. This means that close family members have exactly two years to file a claim for compensation if a loved one dies as a result of negligence. There might be an exception if the death is due to medical malpractice or homicide. The time limit and when it will start will vary.

Burden of proof: To win a wrongful death case, the surviving family members must prove that the defendant caused the death of their loved one through negligence or an intentional act.

Damages: The damages that can be awarded in a wrongful death case can include compensation for medical and funeral expenses, suffering, and loss of income.

Legal representation: It is advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced wrongful death attorney who will be able to help the family navigate the legal system and construct a strong case.
It is essential to understand the process, requirements, and potential outcomes of a wrongful death claim before deciding whether or not to pursue one.

Darfoor Law Firm will help you fight for justice and get the compensation you deserve.
Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation.


Tips in Maximizing your Personal Injury Settlement

Personal injury settlements are agreements reached between the plaintiff (the person who files a legal claim against another) and the defendant (the party whom the claim is brought against).

These are some of the tips in maximizing your personal injury settlement:

Gather all evidence:
Gather and document all evidence: Gather as much evidence as possible to substantiate your claim, such as police reports, pictures, hospital records, and eyewitness accounts. Keep all bills and receipts attributed with the accident, such as medical bills, lost wages, and property damage.

Get medical treatment:
Seeking medical assistance as soon as possible is not only vital for your health, but also helps in documenting the extent of your injuries. Keep all of your medical records and bills.

Be patient:
The settlement can be a long process, especially if your injuries are severe and you are requesting a large compensation. Be patient and avoid settling too quickly, as it may not fully compensate you for your losses.

Hire an experienced attorney:
An experienced personal injury attorney can help you in the whole process, negotiate with insurance companies, and build a strong case to support your claim. He or she will help you understand the value of your claim and assist you with the best action to take.

Be honest:
Provide all the necessary information to your attorney, insurance company and the court. Be honest about your injuries and your medical history. This will help to build a stronger case and increase the chances of getting a fair settlement.

Know the laws of your state:
Laws can vary by state and your personal injury attorney will be able to guide you on the laws applicable in your state. In Florida, there is a what we call a personal injury protection (PIP), which is a type of no-fault auto insurance. Injured drivers have up to $10,000 in immediate medical coverage under the basic PIP coverage, which almost everyone has.

Be prepared for a trial:
Be prepared to go to trial even if you think a settlement is already fine. Your personal injury attorney will guide you what to do during the process, and will help you decide if ever you’ll go to a trial. Moreover, trials also will give you an edge in receiving a fair settlement.Every case is different and there are different courses of action as well. A personal injury attorney can help you understand the value of your claim.

Darfoor Law Firm will advise you on the best course of action for your case. We will represent you and help you with the process and we will be there every step of the way.
Schedule a free consultation now or call us at 1-833-DARFOOR.

What should you do to resolve a personal injury case? Should you settle your personal injury claim or go to court?

Darfoor Law Firm

Settling a personal injury claim and going to court are two different ways to resolve a personal injury case. Each has its own pros and cons, and the best option for you will be determined by the specific facts of your case.

A personal injury claim is settled by reaching an agreement with the other party, which is commonly conducted through negotiations with the other party’s insurance provider. The settlement process can be cost effective and faster than going to court, and it can also provide more certainty and control over the case’s outcome. A settlement is obtained when you and the other party agree on a specific monetary value. Once signed, the case is resolved and no further legal action can be taken.

Meanwhile, going to court involves having a judge or a jury hear your case and determine how much compensation you should receive. This process can be more time-consuming and expensive, but it may be necessary if the other party refuses to settle for a reasonable amount or if the case is complicated. Going to court also allows for the possibility of a jury trial and this is an advantageous verdict for you. In some cases, a combination of both may be the best approach, where the case is initially settled, but if the settlement is not reached, the case goes to court.

It is essential to note that every case is unique, and the best action course will vary depending on the specific facts of your case and on how strong your evidence is. A personal injury attorney can help you weigh the pros and cons of settling or going to court.
Darfoor Law Firm will advise you on the best course of action for your case. We will represent you and help you with the process and we will be there every step of the way.
Schedule a free consultation now or call us at 1-833-DARFOOR.