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Drownings; How To Protect Your Family

The Florida Department of Health’s injury facts show that Florida has the highest drowning death rate in the nation for children …

Boating Accidents

Boating accidents can be terrifying and in a moment of panic or shock, it may be unclear what your next …

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury is a serious and devitalizing injury, that could also be deadly, resulting from trauma to the head. …

Wrongful Death

A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit brought to court when the negligence or wrongful act of one party causes the death …

Spinal Cord Injuries

What is a Spinal Cord Injury? Whether a spinal cord injury results from a car accident, fall or other cause, …

Product Liability: Defective Medical Devices

Medical products and devices save lives every day in addition to helping prevent sickness and disease. However, they also pose …