5 Ways to Avoid a Slip-and-Fall Accident in a Workplace

Slip and fall accidents happen a lot in workplaces. It is the responsibility for companies, business owners, and employees to take as many precautions as possible to avoid a slip-and-fall catastrophe.


Below are 5 ways to avoid a Slip-and-Fall accident in your own workplace:


  1. Ensure Design Safety Standards


The main aspect that companies should consider to avoid slip and fall accidents is to give a good design of the workplace. Good design not only focuses aesthetically, but also adheres to design standards such as limiting the number of workplace hazards and obeying universal design standards such as proper access, signs, and carefully planned walkways.

Below are a few design strategies that can prevent a workplace from becoming a slip-and-fall accident zone:


  • Ensure entryways are equipped with non-slip mats


  • Maintain sufficient lighting in work areas, pathways, etc.


  • Mark steps, ramps, and other potential hazards with reflective material or colors


  • Follow OSHA standards concerning the railing, coverings, toe boards, etc.






  1. Develop Safe Procedures to Avoid a Slip and Fall Accident


Accidents involving falls can occur anywhere. That covers workplaces including offices, schools, and construction sites. Considering this, it is crucial to create OSHA-compliant procedures in order to foster a safe environment. Examples are:


  • Properly ventilating exhaust fumes, dust particles, and other hazardous airborne contaminants.


  • Check for loose electrical wiring, cords, etc., that create unsafe walking conditions.


  • Continually update and review standard operating procedures to ensure safety compliance.


  1. Maintain Property


Without a groundskeeping/housekeeping team in place, your workplace’s efforts to build a safe environment and processes are vulnerable to failure.


  1. Prepare for Inclement Weather


Snow, rain, and other forms of inclement weather can produce hazardous conditions for any workplace. All employees/staff should be prepared and trained on best practices for worst case scenarios. Moreover, companies should have a safety plan for dealing with snow, rain, etc.




  1. Remind Employees to Avoid Activities that May Lead to a Slip-and-Fall Accident


Companies must provide safety training to employees during onboarding and throughout the entire employment. Engaging in certain activities that may cause accidents such as a slip-and-fall one should be avoided or be done with caution. At the end of the day, the health and the general well-being of the staff is what matters.c

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a slip-and-fall accident, do not hesitate to contact Darfoor Law Firm for a free consultation and case evaluation. Contact us at +1-833-327-3667.


Let’s talk about Pedestrian Injuries

In a pedestrian accident, it may seem obvious who is at fault. The car travels much faster and the driver is far less likely to be injured in a crash. Often, the driver of the car is seen as responsible for these accidents.

Unfortunately, these injury lawsuits are rarely straightforward situations where pedestrians can receive immediate compensation.

For a pedestrian accident victim to get compensation for medical bills and lost income, proving that someone else’s actions directly led to their injuries and losses is a requirement.


What Injured Pedestrians Have to Prove to Recover Damages


In all injury cases, it is apparent that the victim provides clear evidence of negligence. Negligence means failure to exercise appropriate and/or ethical ruled care expected to be exercised amongst specified circumstances. If someone’s negligence contributed to an accident, they can be held liable for the costs.

Below are four elements that the injury victim must prove to legally establish negligence in a pedestrian crash case:


  • The person at fault owed the victim a duty of care. This tenant of an injury case establishes that the negligent party was responsible for acting as safely as possible under the circumstances. If the person at fault is a driver, proof of this duty is contained in state traffic laws that require drivers to be always capable and alert.


  • The person at fault breached the duty of care. Many actions that fail to uphold the duty of care constitute negligence, such as driving distracted, speeding, ignoring traffic signs or signals, and driving while intoxicated.


  • The at-fault party’s negligence caused the victim’s injuries. Negligence is not enough to win a claim. The breach of care must have directly led to the injuries the pedestrian suffered. For example, texting at the time of the crash may be a direct cause, but sending a text three minutes before the accident is likely not a cause of the crash.


  • The victim suffered actual harm. Victims must provide evidence of the economic losses they suffered as a result of their injuries, such as financial hardship, increased medical bills, permanent disability, and other costs.


Who Should Be Held Liable for a Pedestrian’s Injuries?


Determining who is responsible for the accident can be done in large part by using the legal procedure for demonstrating negligence. In many cases, pedestrians file injury claims against the driver of the car that struck them. However, there are many other parties who could have played a role in the accident, including:

The local municipality. In some cases, a city government may share responsibility for a crash. Public entities may be liable for accidents involving poorly-placed crosswalks, malfunctioning traffic control devices, ineffective sidewalk or parking lot maintenance, and other safety hazards.

A product manufacturer. You may be able to file a product liability claim if a malfunctioning device caused you to veer into the path of oncoming traffic, such as a scooter or skateboard.

Another person or entity. A pedestrian usually does not have a right to enter the street outside of a crosswalk. If someone was struck because he or she could not use the crosswalk, the case may name additional parties that made safe sidewalk travel impossible.

The pedestrians who contribute in some way to their injuries may be assigned a portion of negligence. In Florida, plaintiffs can share blame for the collision and still prevail in their injury claims, but their damages will be reduced in proportion to their level of fault.

How to write a settlement demand letter

If you happen to be injured in an accident in Florida, you may be able to have compensation for your medical bills and other losses. You can pursue this by filing a claim with your insurance provider.

The insurance company you work with will depend on the nature of your accident. For instance, let us say you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident on someone else’s property. The property owner failed to address a fall hazard that caused you to have an accident and injury. In this case, you would likely pursue compensation by filing a claim to collect from the property owner’s insurance.

If you were injured in a car accident, the situation may be somewhat different. As Florida is a no-fault state, car accident victims can seek compensation from either at the fault party’s insurance company or their own insurance company.

Regardless, there is a starting process of seeking compensation; an initial and important step is writing a settlement demand letter. This is a letter that contains the details of the nature of your accident, documentation of your losses, and asking your insurance provider for a certain amount of money. Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing a settlement demand letter:


Remember to keep calm when writing a settlement demand letter. It is important to remain formal and professional in elaborating details of your accident and injury. Sounding angry and confrontational is not advised and should be avoided.

Also, keep in mind to realize the compensation you’re entitled to but avoid asking for over-the-top demands. This may have a negative effect on your claim. Over-the-top demands can indicate that you are bluffing and will not sue if they offer a low settlement. The insurer will likely conclude that you will settle early and are just trying to see if you can scare them into giving more than they are willing to offer.


After an accident, there may be numerous damages. You should list all your damages, such as:

Medical bills

Lost wages

Emotional distress

Pain and suffering

Loss of enjoyment of life




An important task to do before sending a settlement demand letter is to calculate all your damages. You may or may not be aware of your eligibility in compensation for certain types of losses. With this, you may fail to mention some in your letter.

Therefore, it is essential to consider hiring an attorney. They will review and evaluate your case. Moreover, they will handle the task of writing and sending a settlement demand letter on your behalf.

When you hire an attorney, it relieves you of a tedious task and you can use your time in recovering from your accident. They will also make sure that your settlement demand letter will omit the necessary information.

This offers two advantages. It relieves you of a tedious task during a time when you should be recovering from your accident. It also reduces the odds that your demand letter will omit necessary information.

Call Darfoor Law Firm at +1-833-327-3667 for assistance.

A Habit that Causes Accidents That You are Probably Doing

Texting while driving is a known deadly cause of car accidents wherever you are from. It is to be avoided at all times no matter how slow you are driving. But it is not the only thing you should be concerned about. You should also remember to not text while walking. You could be making yourself at risk of a serious auto accident.

A study conducted by the University of Buffalo found that your risk of personal injury is higher if you are texting while walking than texting while driving.


Texting While Walking Causes More Injuries


A study from the University of Buffalo concluded that texting while walking generally results in more injuries than texting while driving. However, the study also considered non-auto accident-related events such as falls, collisions with walls or other standing objects, and other injuries.


When you are distracted by your phone, you are more likely to inadvertently walk into traffic or collide with a vehicle. Always bear in mind to check either side of the road if you are walking and rarely use your phone while walking.


What Should You Do?


So, what can you do about it? Firstly, always remember to not be tempted to check your phone while you are walking on a sidewalk or a highway especially if you plan to cross the road. It seems harmless, but looking at your phone instead of what is around you leaves you vulnerable to all kinds of personal injury.


Not only are your eyes focused on your phone, but your mind is also focused on thinking of a clever reply instead of making sure you are safe. Texting while walking sounds okay and is nothing to worry about, but you are putting yourself in danger every time you pull out your phone.


While texting and driving may be against the law, texting and walking are not and it is a temptation that is difficult to fight.


Moreover, when you are in the point of view of someone who is driving, be aware of a pedestrian has their eyes glued to their phone and save yourself from an accident. Whether you’re on the road or the sidewalk, it’s easy to forget that texting isn’t as harmless as it seems; so, keep your eyes on the road, no matter where you are.


Let’s talk about Personal Injury – Slips and Falls

In the State of Florida, the Florida Premises Liability Law exists such that property owners are required to maintain their property as a safe and hazard-free zone for those who visit their areas. Thus, if the property owner or manager sees – or should have seen – a potentially unsafe situation, they must take immediate action to address any issue.

If the owner of the property is unable to act and correct the problem immediately, he must inform any visitors of the area of any possible hazards. For example, he could block the area or place the necessary signage in such a way that danger can be avoided. If he failed to meet these standards, and someone gets injured as a result, he may be liable for the said injuries.

Below are the most common scenarios that lead to slip-and-fall accidents:


  • Uneven walking surfaces, broken pavements


  • Unmarked obstacles, steps, curb or extension cords, wet and slippery surfaces, spills, or water leak


  • Improperly maintained property, potholes in a parking lot


  • Stairs or steps without handrails

These are some of the most common situations that result in slips and falls. However, almost any other hazardous condition can cause these types of accidents. Victims may suffer both minor and major injuries such as broken bones, dislocated joints, spinal, neck, or back injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.

What to Do if You Have Been Injured

If you happen to slip and fall in a public place, the first thing you should do is ask for help and seek immediate medical attention. Remember to not ignore any injuries no matter how minor it is. Inform the property owner or manager about the incident and exchange name and contact information.

Witnesses are also valuable in these kinds of situations so it is better to talk to any witnesses that may have been present. Make note of their names and contact information. Nowadays, CCTVs are also present in almost every establishment, your attorney will work to obtain a copy of the incident. Also, if you can, take pictures of the hazard that caused your injury and of the injury itself.

After you have sought medical attention, be sure to contact a personal injury lawyer to assist you in requesting compensation for your injuries. Slip-and-fall claims are often branded as false or exaggerated by businesses and insurance companies. Sometimes, they try to discourage you by refusing to negotiate a settlement. Having a lawyer to assist you can help demonstrate the sincerity of your claim. Darfoor Law Firm specializes in Personal Injury Claims and has free consultation and case evaluation.

Your attorney will also be better equipped to acquire other important evidence for your cases, such as video surveillance footage, statements of the employees, and company safety policies.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a slip-and-fall accident, it is crucial to have a representative on your side that understands, sympathizes, and does their best in helping you get the compensation you are entitled to.

What to do when you’re in a motorcycle accident?

Motorcycle accidents are very dangerous and very common. You may sustain extremely serious injuries if you are struck while riding your motorcycle.

There are a lot of different ways a motorcycle accident can happen, but one of the most common is when another driver doesn’t give the motorcycle rider the right of way, which causes the collision.

A motorcycle rider almost always sustains significant injuries in a collision because other vehicles are so much larger than motorcycles. When compared to larger vehicles, motorcycles are already more difficult to see on the road. Motorcyclists in the area may be easily missed by drivers who don’t pay enough attention to the road and traffic around them. In order to safeguard your legal entitlements to compensation following your accident, it is imperative that you determine whether the other driver acted negligently. Wait until you have spoken with an attorney before speaking with an insurance company. Regarding your accident and your options, you may visit Darfoor Law Firm and get a consultation.

Assuming another party was careless and caused your injuries, the law gives you the option to consider that party monetarily liable for the wounds and misfortunes they caused. You might want to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit to get help paying your daily costs and medical bills.

We, at Darfoor Law firm, understand the burden, the baggage, and the pain you are enduring. Thus, we are here to help you fight for your rights and we’re with you along this journey.

Call Darfoor Law Firm at +1-833-327-3667 and let us guide you on what are the best ways to do when you’re injured and involved in a motorcycle accident.


How Do You Prove a Wrongful Death Case


The most serious type of personal injury claim is wrongful death. In most cases, wrongful death claims are brought by the decedent’s surviving family members in an effort to recover damages for losses sustained as a result of the decedent’s passing. These claims typically emerge when one person’s negligence or willful actions result in the death of another. These claims are particularly frequent in cases of medical negligence, but they can also occur in a variety of other circumstances, such as when someone dies as a result of a car accident, a dangerous product, or nursing facility maltreatment.

Below are some elements of a typical wrongful death claim.

Elements of a Wrongful Death Claim

Most wrongful death lawsuits, though not all of them, are founded on the idea that the decedent’s death was brought about by negligence rather than malicious behavior. The plaintiff must establish each of the four elements of a typical negligence cause of action, which are listed below, in order to succeed in a wrongful death action based on negligence.


Each of us has a moral obligation to treat another person in a certain way and that is our duty as individuals. For instance, drivers have a responsibility to respect traffic laws and avoid endangering other road users, just as doctors have a responsibility to treat their patients in a medically appropriate manner.



When someone behaves in a way that is not in accordance with the law, this is considered a breach of duty. If a doctor had exercised reasonable care, they would not have prescribed a drug to which the patient was allergic, for instance, the plaintiff in a medical malpractice action can demonstrate a breach of duty by presenting evidence to support their claim. In a car accident lawsuit, the plaintiff might demonstrate that the at-fault driver violated their duty of care by presenting proof that they were traveling 20 mph over the speed limit, which is considered a traffic infraction.


When the plaintiff would not have experienced harm but for the defendant’s duty violation, there has been causation. In the abovementioned car accident example, the plaintiff could prove causation by presenting proof that, had the other motorist been following the speed limit at the time of the collision, they would not have sustained injuries.


When the plaintiff has incurred harm that can be fixed through financial recompense, damages exist. The plaintiff in the abovementioned car accident could demonstrate damages by submitting medical costs incurred as a result of treating his or her injuries. This element is quite simple to prove.

Prevailing in a Wrongful Death Claim

Therefore, in order for a plaintiff to win a wrongful death claim, they should be able to prove that:

  1. That the defendant owed a duty to the decedent to refrain from causing the type of harm the decedent suffered
  2. That the defendant breached this duty by acting carelessly, recklessly, or otherwise failing to exercise the duty of care owed to the decedent by law
  3. That the defendant’s actions really caused the decedent’s death, and
  4. That the decedent and the decedent’s survivors have suffered losses as a result of the death (e.g., pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of earnings and future earnings, etc.).

What should you do when a loved one becomes a victim of wrongful death?

Negligence often results in unfortunate circumstances. As we go on with our daily lives, we all have the responsibility to think not only for ourselves but for others’ safety as well. But accidents happen because of several factors and can sometimes cause a life. When a loved one or someone dear to you becomes a victim of a wrongful death, you have the right to seek justice and bring action against the person or entity responsible for their untimely end.


There are many different situations that result in wrongful death, some of these situations include:

  1. A motor vehicle accident
  2. A premises liability accident
  3. An on-the-job accident
  4. Nursing home abuse
  5. Medical malpractice
  6. Criminal activity, such as homicide, assault, battery, etc.


Filing a lawsuit is sometimes intimidating and discouraging. You will need to have a certain kind of motivation to push through. Winning a wrongful death lawsuit is achievable with the right kind of help from lawyers. Another important key to winning is to present clear and solid evidence to the court of all four of the following:


  1. That your loved one was a human being who died
  2. That he died because of the defendant’s negligence or intent to cause your loved one harm
  3. That your loved one’s death caused you to suffer enumerated economic and noneconomic damages
  4. That your loved one’s estate has an appointed personal representative


If you prevail in your wrongful death claim, the jury will compensate you for both economic and noneconomic losses. Your economic damages are the costs for which you have receipts, such as the ambulance and hospital bills for your departed loved one and the funeral costs you paid.

However, upon figuring out the totality of non-economic damages, the jury will have to make an educated guess as to how much these so-called damages will cost. Non-economic damages include things like the loss of a loved one’s love, companionship, support, etc. They are intangible. They also include additional non-economic losses you will endure over the ensuing years, such as losing your loved one’s ability to make money throughout his or her career.

If you have lost a loved one due to another person or a corporation’s negligence, contact the attorneys at Darfoor Law Firm at 1-833-DARFOOR for a free case evaluation.

Why is there a need for a Car Accident Lawyer?

Before leaving the accident scene, one must take photographs, trade protection data, and obtain names and telephone numbers. If you did that, then in that case you are off to a good start; however, you will still require a number of additional pieces of evidence in order to obtain total compensation for your losses.

This is where the car accident lawyer comes in. You will need to collaborate with an attorney who has extensive experience representing car accident victims and their families in order to calculate these losses.

Car accident lawyers will immediately begin an investigation and collect any additional evidence that may be available. Your attorney will be able to safeguard your legal rights and construct a claim on your behalf if they gather this evidence prior to its disappearance.

Not only could you file a claim even if you were at fault, but you could also file multiple claims for compensation based on other people’s fault. Florida is a comparative negligence state which means that if a plaintiff is partially at fault for an accident in which they suffer har, that person’s recovery of damages will be reduced. Your attorney will be able to identify all responsible parties and pursue all available damages claims following the initial investigation.

Car accident lawyers are able to investigate your policies and respond to your inquiries regarding how they can assist in covering damages. They offer guidance on the best course of action to swiftly resolve your case, lending their expertise.

This is not something you can do on your own when it comes to determining how much you are entitled to recover. Additionally, you cannot rely on insurance companies to estimate your losses’ total value. You will need an experienced attorney if you want to get the fair compensation you deserve.

Car Accident Myths We Shouldn’t Believe

Myth 1: Ignoring injuries because they seem minor.

Some people leave the crash and think that they can escape all injury since they haven’t felt any pain.

Almost all of us associate car accident injuries with severe car crashes. These major damages are mostly cars bursting on fire, flipping over, and broken windshields. A minor crash won’t hurt at all. But, always remember, the car damage doesn’t resemble your injuries. You should keep in mind that some injuries may take a few days or weeks to show. Go to the nearest hospital and have yourself checked out.


Myth 2: No information must be exchanged if the accident is just a minor one.

 “It’s just a minor damage”

“No need for that, just let this one slip out”

“Forget it, no one’s hurt and we’re safe anyways”

We all want no drama, and we just want to have a calm conversation, especially in a scenario like this. However, you need to follow the usual protocol. Even if the accident was minor, failing to pull over and report it could land you in a lot of legal trouble. You never know what the other driver is thinking, and if they decide to report it, a police investigation will be underway, and you’ll probably be taking the brunt of the blame.

All accidents, no matter how big or small, need to be handled in the same way.

You must immediately pull over to check for injuries. Keep track of the date, time, and location.

Make sure the other driver is okay before getting out. Start exchanging details without taking responsibility or admitting fault.


Myth 3: There is no need to report the incident to the police if it’s a minor car crash.

 You could face legal consequences if you fail to file a police report. Regardless of whether the accident resulted in minor damage or no injuries, the driver is required by law to stop at the scene. The act of fleeing the scene can result in misdemeanor charges. Especially if there are injuries, a lot of damage to either car, or you think the other driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, call the police.

Completely tell the police what happened, but don’t say anything about who was to blame or admit fault.

Make sure witnesses talk to the police or get their contact information.

Don’t try to follow the driver if they get away from the scene. Instead, learn the plate number and other important information. Photograph the scene and inquire about the witnesses’ contact information if you have a phone with you. In the event of a car accident, talk to the driver about the details of the vehicle and their insurance. After the accident, notify the insurance company and see a doctor.


 Myth 4: Don’t get a lawyer; it’s too expensive and not worth it

Working with lawyers maybe isn’t cheap. This is a problem because it frequently leads people to believe that lawyers aren’t worth the money. However, this is entirely contingent on the scenario’s outcome and the protection you will receive in the interim. Let’s say that you need to go to court because of this car accident. It’s possible that you’ve been blamed in some way. It’s possible that you want to be compensated.  You need assistance and help you represent yourself in the courtroom.

It’s always worth consulting a lawyer in these situations. It is in your best interest to seek advice even if you are unsure whether a case should proceed to court. This is especially true if the accident has caused you minor or major injuries. It is unfair that you are responsible for your injuries if the accident was not your fault. Compensation should be sought after a personal injury is taken seriously.