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Trucking regulations for Accident Prevention

By establishing guidelines for safe trucking practices and operations, trucking regulations play a crucial role in accident prevention. These are some of the most important rules:

Hours of Service (HOS) Rules: In order to prevent driver fatigue, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established regulations that restrict the number of hours a truck driver can work in a given time period.
The number of consecutive hours that a truck driver can drive without taking breaks is limited. When transporting passengers or cargo, drivers are typically required to adhere to a daily driving limit of 10 hours. Drivers in possession of the only property are permitted to drive in Florida for up to 12 hours per day.
The number of hours a driver can work in a 6- to 8-day period is also limited by federal and Florida state law. They need a 34-hour break to “reset” the period of six to eight consecutive days.

Vehicle Maintenance Requirements: FMCSA establishes requirements for regular inspections and maintenance. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) states that vehicles entering Florida must have the required permits since Florida has no port of entry.

Driver Qualification Standards: There are standards for driver training, licensing, and medical qualifications to ensure that drivers are qualified to operate their vehicles.

Loading and Weight Limits:  There are specific regulations for a truck’s length, width, weight, and height.
Florida regulates the length, width, weight, and height of commercial vehicles.
Length: For most trucks, the limit is 75 feet in total, but for a truck tractor or a truck tractor-trailer combination, the length is up to 65 feet.
Width: The truck width cannot be higher than 102 inches. However, trucks with a width greater than 96 inches might be prohibited from entering public roads or certain roads that aren’t built large enough for them
Weight: The gross vehicle weight of a commercial vehicle can be up to 80,000 pounds.
Height: Florida commercial trucks cannot exceed 13.5 feet. Automobile conveyors are allowed to be at least 14 feet high.

Substance Abuse Testing: Drug and alcohol testing of truck drivers is required to help prevent drunk driving.

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs): The use of electronic logging devices are required to monitor a driver’s hours of service and ensure compliance with HOS rules.
Enforcing these regulations can prevent truck accidents caused by impaired and unsafe driving.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident due to the fault of someone else, Darfoor Law Firm is here to help you and give you the best service you deserve. Accidents can be tough to deal with and you need someone who will understand, sympathize, and fight for you.

Call us at +1-833-DARFOOR for a free consultation and case evaluation.