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What To Do When Involved in An Uber Accident in Florida

Uber has become a popular means of transportation not only in the United States but also around the world. Since it is very convenient and you can easily book a ride on your phone app, many people tend to use Uber every day. But, no matter how guaranteed safe Uber rides are, there are still cases of accidents and injuries. When you are involved in an Uber accident, remember to follow several steps below:

Remain Calm.

Car crashes can be nerve-wracking, horrific, and violent. But it is important to keep in mind to stay calm if you are involved in an Uber car accident, whether you are a passenger, another driver, or a pedestrian. Staying calm will help you decide your next action after the collision. You are responsible for your case.

Seek Medical Attention. 

One of the most important steps, after you have been involved in an Uber accident, is to get examined by a qualified medical professional. Besides making sure that the accident victim is all right, prompt medical attention also serves to document the injuries. This will later be crucial information in getting your compensation.

Take Photographs of the Accident if Possible.

Taking photographs of the accident is highly advised. This is another vital document that can be used in seeking compensation. Also, photographs should be taken of the driver’s insurance information and licenses. If there are any witnesses to the accident, contact details should be exchanged with them, too. Witnesses may be called later upon investigation.

Talk to Law Enforcement Officials.

When involved in Uber accidents in Florida, people should ensure that the investigation officer or even the community service aide knows who the injured party is and that he or she was an Uber passenger. The injured person is entitled to request a copy of the accident crash report and the report number. He or she must make sure to tell the law enforcement official if they are injured at all and provide all information that the officials may request.

Contact an Uber Accident Attorney in Florida.

If you are injured in an Uber car crash, you may need the guidance and help of a car accident attorney. Uber accidents are known to present complex insurance coverage issues and do have to be fully and thoroughly investigated. In most cases, Uber must carry $1 million in insurance to protect its drivers, customers, and anybody else hurt in an accident. Although Uber’s insurance coverage is still relatively new, a knowledgeable car accident lawyer can guide you through the legal difficulties of making a claim for compensation and damages.

If you have been injured in an Uber car wreck, you may contact Darfoor Law Firm at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation.