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How to write a settlement demand letter

If you happen to be injured in an accident in Florida, you may be able to have compensation for your medical bills and other losses. You can pursue this by filing a claim with your insurance provider.

The insurance company you work with will depend on the nature of your accident. For instance, let us say you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident on someone else’s property. The property owner failed to address a fall hazard that caused you to have an accident and injury. In this case, you would likely pursue compensation by filing a claim to collect from the property owner’s insurance.

If you were injured in a car accident, the situation may be somewhat different. As Florida is a no-fault state, car accident victims can seek compensation from either at the fault party’s insurance company or their own insurance company.

Regardless, there is a starting process of seeking compensation; an initial and important step is writing a settlement demand letter. This is a letter that contains the details of the nature of your accident, documentation of your losses, and asking your insurance provider for a certain amount of money. Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing a settlement demand letter:


Remember to keep calm when writing a settlement demand letter. It is important to remain formal and professional in elaborating details of your accident and injury. Sounding angry and confrontational is not advised and should be avoided.

Also, keep in mind to realize the compensation you’re entitled to but avoid asking for over-the-top demands. This may have a negative effect on your claim. Over-the-top demands can indicate that you are bluffing and will not sue if they offer a low settlement. The insurer will likely conclude that you will settle early and are just trying to see if you can scare them into giving more than they are willing to offer.


After an accident, there may be numerous damages. You should list all your damages, such as:

Medical bills

Lost wages

Emotional distress

Pain and suffering

Loss of enjoyment of life




An important task to do before sending a settlement demand letter is to calculate all your damages. You may or may not be aware of your eligibility in compensation for certain types of losses. With this, you may fail to mention some in your letter.

Therefore, it is essential to consider hiring an attorney. They will review and evaluate your case. Moreover, they will handle the task of writing and sending a settlement demand letter on your behalf.

When you hire an attorney, it relieves you of a tedious task and you can use your time in recovering from your accident. They will also make sure that your settlement demand letter will omit the necessary information.

This offers two advantages. It relieves you of a tedious task during a time when you should be recovering from your accident. It also reduces the odds that your demand letter will omit necessary information.

Call Darfoor Law Firm at +1-833-327-3667 for assistance.