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Remind your Teens About Driving Safety Rules Today

As the world slowly moves forward after the pandemic, classes have started and most social activities are allowed to happen again. Teenagers are having parties and get-togethers more often. Those that have driver’s licenses may be driving as a way of leisure. These long-distance drives can pose additional hazards.


If your children are often off to driving over long distances, talk to them about driving safely. Being on the road for a long time can mean a higher risk of car accidents and injuries. Below are subject matters that you may want to discuss with your teenagers:


Long Distance Drive. If your children are about to drive long distances, talk to them about the dangers of highway hypnosis, dangers of fatigue or drowsy driving, and other hazards of long-distance excursions. See to it that they understand it is easy to get distracted on long drives that is why it is important to plan frequent rest stops to ensure their safety during the entire trip.


Risky Driving. Teenagers especially those who only learned to drive recently may still be figuring out their limits. You may want to discuss driving maneuvers such as racing, speeding, and other risky activities.


Drunk Driving. It is never safe to drive while under the influence of alcohol. Teenagers who engage in underage drinking run a double risk of losing their driver’s license and suffering life-threatening injuries. Make sure to always remind your teens about this.


Distracted Driving. Distractions come in many forms, including cell phones, other passengers, and even the dashboard. Encourage your teens to keep their hands on the wheel, their eyes on the road and their mind on driving. Discuss all the ways that distraction can happen in the car and help them find their own solutions for overcoming distraction.


Passengers. Talk to your teens about considering limiting the number of passengers in their car so they can keep their full focus on the road. Studies have shown that the more passengers there are in a car, the more at risk of accidents teen drivers are.


Peer Pressure. Everyone is subject to peer pressure. Teenagers may wish to impress their friends or maybe worried about being left out of group activities if they say “no” to risky behavior. Discuss with them some ways they can get out of peer pressure situations and think about themselves and their safety as the main priority.


If your teen has been injured by a dangerous driver or someone’s negligence, contact a car accident attorney to discuss your situation. You may contact Darfoor Law Firm at +1-833-327-3667 for a free consultation and case evaluation.